

Due to their innovative nature, Granutools’ instruments appear in many publications (more than 30 in 2019!) and are used by state-of-the-art research institutes. Also, their modularity, size, and easy access to raw data allow academics to quickly tune them to their special needs as shown in the examples below.

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Example of specific developement - McGill University

Low pressure cell of the GranuDrum

In their article published in Powder Technology Volume 366, 15 April 2020, Pages 925-937, Mathieu Brochu at Mc Gill university decided to design its own GranuDrum cell to assess the influence of void or gas on a powder's flowability.

Example of specific developement - RCPE

Twin screw feeder setup for the GranuCharge

In their article published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics 591 (2020) 120014 & 120015, the RCPE decided to create a test bench to assess the tribocharging of powders inside a twin screw feeder. For this setup, they use parts of the Granucharge and could demonstrate a strong correlation between the charge build-up in a twin-screen feeder and the charge build-up in a GranuCharge.