Calibration of DEM simulations for dynamic particulate systems
Windows-Yule C, Neveu A, "Calibration of DEM simulations for dynamic particulate systems". Papers in Physics, vol. 14, art. 140010 (July 2022)
The discrete element method (DEM) is a powerful tool which - if correctly applied - can simulate, with quantitative accuracy, a diverse range of particulate systems with applications spanning multiple academic disciplines and almost every industrial sector.
One of the major limitations of DEM, however, is that without rigorous calibration and validation - that is to say, the careful choice of simulation parameters to match those of the "real" particles simulated, and the verification that the behaviours of the resultant model match those of the "real" system - the simulations produced are liable to be inaccurate, or even unphysical. The calibration of DEM models is, however, not a trivial task. While there exists a diverse array of tools designed to characterise the properties of powders and particulates, most - if not all - of these tools quantify only the bulk or "macroscopic" properties of powders (fowability, yield stress, angle of internal friction...) as opposed to the particle-level or "microscopic" parameters (restitution coefficient, coefficient of sliding and/or rolling friction...) required by contemporary DEM engines.
In this article, we provide an overview of contemporary methods for the calibration and validation of DEM models, discussing the advantages and limitations of different approaches, and how they may be developed and improved in the future.