
Introducing the Certification: ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 - Correlating of rotating drum measurement with powder spreadability in PBF-LB machines

We are thrilled to present the latest technical report in the field of additive manufacturing: ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 focusing on addressing a critical aspect of additive manufacturing: the characterization and optimization of metallic powders used in powder bed fusion and binder jetting processes.

ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 - Correlating of rotating drum measurement with powder spreadability in PBF-LB machines

In various industries such as additive manufacturing, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and bulk material handling, the precise characterization of granular materials and fine powders is crucial for control and process optimization. To achieve reproducible and interpretable results, numerous techniques have been developed to understand the complex behaviors of these materials.

Powder Flow Characterization in the Additive Manufacturing Industry

ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 is specifically designed to cater to the needs of the additive manufacturing industry. It recognizes the significance of metallic powders in AM processes, particularly those involving PBF-LB/M (Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam/Metal) and binder jetting technologies. These processes rely on depositing successive thin layers of powder, which are then fused or joined to build parts. The vertical resolution and overall quality of the manufactured parts are directly influenced by the flow properties of the powders used.

One essential parameter for assessing powder is spreadability, which refers to the ability of a feedstock material to form flat and homogeneous layers during the additive manufacturing process. Traditionally, operators have relied on visual observations to evaluate spreadability. However, ISO/ASTM 52952 recognizes the need for a more systematic and cost-effective approach that links powder characteristics to spreadability before layer deposition.

Investigating Flowability of Metal Powders Using an Automated Rotating Drum Method: Granudrum

This groundbreaking technical report showcases a new technique that combines measurements inside a PBF-LB/M machine with image processing. This innovative approach quantifies the homogeneity of powder bed layers during spreading, providing valuable insights into spreadability. It investigates the flowability of five metal powders using an automated rotating drum method, GranuDrum, where the dynamic cohesive index measurement establishes a correlation with powder spreadability during layer deposition.

Furthermore, ISO/ASTM TR 52952 emphasizes the importance of characterizing each powder's particle size distribution (PSD) and morphology before testing. By employing static image analysis methods in accordance with ISO 13322-1, this certification ensures a comprehensive understanding of the powders' properties.

Conclusion: the Technical Report Enhances the Control and Optimization of Metallic Powders in PBF-LB/M Machines

In summary, ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 offers additive manufacturing professionals an invaluable tool for enhancing the control and optimization of metallic powders in PBF-LB/M machines. By establishing a correlation between macroscopic properties and spreadability, this certification enables more informed powder selection and deposition speed combinations. Stay ahead in the world of additive manufacturing with ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023, and unlock new possibilities for high-quality, reliable, and efficient metal part production.

More on ISO website.

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