
Cost Reduction through Granutools' Automated Powder Characterization Instruments

Implementing Granutools' automated, user-independent powder characterization instruments can lead to substantial manpower cost savings in various industries.

How to evaluate powder granulation with the GranuDrum

Discover how the GranuDrum can help assess the impact of granulation on powder flowability with this blog article.

GranuFlow: the improved gravity-driven characterization tool

This blog article focuses on the GranuFlow instrument, a gravity-driven powder flow tester that offers precise, accurate and reproducible measurements.

Why powder characterization is so important for hydrogen storage

In this study, we put the emphasis on why powder characterization is needed to solve unwanted granular phenomena of the material that stores hydrogen.

GranuFlow: A Primer on Powder Flow Testing and Pharmacopeial Standards

In this study, we put the emphasis on the significance of the GranuFlow and how it elevates the standards of pharmaceutical powder testing.

Improving solid-state battery production by combining Granutools measurements and DEM simulations

In this study, we suggest the digital twins approach coupled with Granutools instruments to improve procesess in the real production line.

Predicting Spreadability of Powders: A Prerequisite for Quality in AM

In this study, we suggest a method using powder flow characterization using the GranuDrum instrument to predict powder spreadability in additive manufacturing processes, such as SLM.

Powder Permeability Measurements at Low Consolidation Conditions

In this blog article, we explain what powder permeability is and its importance with the GranuPack Permeability.

Powder Characterization: A Step for the Future of Battery Improvement

In this article, we explain the importance of powder flow characterization for battery manufacturing using instruments such as the GranuDrum, the GranuCharge and the GranuPack.

Introducing the Certification: ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 - Correlating of rotating drum measurement with powder spreadability in PBF-LB machines

We are thrilled to present the latest technical report in the field of additive manufacturing: ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 focusing on addressing a critical aspect of additive manufacturing: the characterization and optimization of metallic powders used in powder bed fusion and binder jetting processes.

How to evaluate granular segregation effect on powder behavior?

In this article, we show the evaluation of granular segregation effect with powder characterization instruments such as the GranuPack and the GranuDrum.

Complementing Granutools measurements with DEM modelling to optimize processes involving powders

In this article, we show how DEM simulations can help to better understand powder flow measurement and how to cross the bridge between the laboratory measurement and processes optimization in the production plant.

Qualification of GranuTools powder flow instruments: evidencing GranuPack precision and reproducibility

Learn more about our powder flow instruments with this article.

GranuDrum measurement reproducibility has been assessed by NIST!

In powder bed based additive manufacturing processes, the need for a reproducible powder characterization method is very urgent. Learn in this blog article why the GranuDrum secures measurement reproducibility.

Why is powder caking an important phenomenon for industrial applications?

Learn more about powder caking with our new blog article.

The birth of a new parameter measured by the GranuDrum: the Roughness index 𝑅𝐼

Learn more about the development of a new physical parameter for the GranuDrum instrument with our new blog article.

Powder characterization for battery electrode manufacturing

Get a better understanding of powder characterization for battery manufacturing with our new blog article.

Effect of grain size distribution on powder properties

This article will explain the influence of grain size distribution on different powder properties.

Improvement Of the Angle Of Repose Powder Tester

This article explains why GranuHeap instrument is a real technological breakthrough in the measurement of the angle of repose to meet the requirements of modern industries.

Powder electric charge buildup: an important lever to improve processability

This article explains how the Granucharge can be used to improve the processability of the powders