A novel methodology for data analysis of dynamic angle of repose tests and powder flow classification
Orefice L, Remmelgas J, Neveu A, Francqui F, Khinast J.G, “A novel methodology for data analysis of dynamic angle of repose tests and powder flow classification”. Powder Technology, Volume 435, 15 February 2024, 119425
In this paper, a new post-processing methodology is presented to analyze powder flow image data gathered via dynamic angle of repose tests. The goal is to expand the flow descriptors, enabling a more detailed and nuanced measurement of flow rheology. This ensures reliable data extraction even when the free surface profile is not clearly identifiable.
After defining 30 flow descriptors to be measured from powder flow snapshots, Principal Component Analysis is employed to understand their relations with the physics of the system. The set of descriptors is optimized, and the most significant ones are identified, allowing the capture of the physics with fewer essential parameters. It is demonstrated that a comprehensive picture of powder flow is achievable simply with the center of mass and the flow merging point.
The research demonstrates that traditional data extraction methodologies are insufficient to fully describe the flow, making the framework ideal for enhancing the understanding of flow properties.
Experiment setup: The GranuDrum
The GranuDrum, granular material flow analyzer, is used to analyse the flow behaviour of the powders. It consists of a cylinder rotating around its axis that is half-filled with a sample of each powder.