The sensitivity of powder characterization tool measurements to particle properties
B.D. Jenkins, A.L. Nicuşan, A. Neveu, G. Lumay, F. Francqui, J.P.K. Seville, D. Weston, D. Werner, C.R.K. Windows-Yule, The sensitivity of powder characterization tool measurements to particle properties, Powder Technology, Volume 448, 2024, 120231, ISSN 0032-5910
Calibration of Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations is challenging and non-standardised. A common approach involves deducing particle properties from bulk measurements obtained through powder characterisation instruments. However, choosing the best bulk measurements for calibrating DEM simulations depends on the specific material and system. This paper presents a detailed sensitivity analysis of four commonly used bulk measurements to aid in selecting the best measurements for DEM calibration: Beverloo C fitting term (flowing density), angle of repose, dynamic angle of repose, and cohesive index. Rolling friction and cohesion significantly impact these measurements, with systems showing higher sensitivity to frictional properties in faster flow conditions, while the coefficient of restitution has low sensitivity. The cubic term of a polynomial fit to the free surface of a rotating drum was investigated for measuring the coefficient of restitution. This method demonstrated better sensitivity, particularly at lower rotational speeds.
Keywords: DEM simulation; Calibration; Powder characterisation; Sensitivity analysis; Particle properties