In this work, we present how the level of fibrillation can be quantified in a powder blend for cathode with tapped density measurement, and how it evolves with temperature using the GranuPack instrument.
Learn more about the impact of temperature on powder cohesion thanks to the temperature control of the GranuDrum High Temperature instrument.
In this study, we put the emphasis on why powder characterization is needed to solve unwanted granular phenomena of the material that stores hydrogen.
In this study, we suggest the digital twins approach coupled with Granutools instruments to improve procesess in the real production line.
Explore the impact of fibrillation time on powder packing dynamics in our application note. Discover insights into optimizing battery powder blend processes for enhanced performance and efficiency.
Frankenberg F, Kissel M, Burmeister C, Lippke M, Janek J, Kwade A, "Investigating the production of all-solid-state battery composite cathodes by numerical simulation of the stressing conditions in a high-intensity mixer". Powder Technology, Volume 435, 15 February 2024, 119403
Horst M, Burmeister J, Abdollahifar M, Pillitteri S, Kwade A, “A binder-free dry coating process for high sulfur loading cathodes of Li–S batteries: A proof-of-concept”, Journal of Power Sources (Volume 587,2023)
In this article, we explain the importance of powder flow characterization for battery manufacturing using instruments such as the GranuDrum, the GranuCharge and the GranuPack.
In this article, we show how DEM simulations can help to better understand powder flow measurement and how to cross the bridge between the laboratory measurement and processes optimization in the production plant.
In this study, we highlight the advantages provided by producing composite powders made of sulfur and carbon black compared to the simple dry-mixed powder blend method for Sulfur Li-ion based batteries.
The impact of the powder mixing step for electrode manufacturing has been investigated for three powder blends made of the same composition of raw powders with different mixing times. The influence of the mixing time on the packing density of the powder blend is evidenced by the GranuPack.
Get a better understanding of powder characterization for battery manufacturing with our new blog article.