Additive manufacturing

Effect of temperature on powder flowability assessed with GranuDrum HT

Learn more about the impact of temperature on powder cohesion thanks to the temperature control of the GranuDrum High Temperature instrument.

Predicting Spreadability of Powders: A Prerequisite for Quality in AM

In this study, we suggest a method using powder flow characterization using the GranuDrum instrument to predict powder spreadability in additive manufacturing processes, such as SLM.

Powder Permeability Measurements at Low Consolidation Conditions

In this blog article, we explain what powder permeability is and its importance with the GranuPack Permeability.

Introducing the Certification: ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 - Correlating of rotating drum measurement with powder spreadability in PBF-LB machines

We are thrilled to present the latest technical report in the field of additive manufacturing: ISO/ASTM TR 52952:2023 focusing on addressing a critical aspect of additive manufacturing: the characterization and optimization of metallic powders used in powder bed fusion and binder jetting processes.

Complementing Granutools measurements with DEM modelling to optimize processes involving powders

In this article, we show how DEM simulations can help to better understand powder flow measurement and how to cross the bridge between the laboratory measurement and processes optimization in the production plant.

Additive manufacturing of a high-performance aluminum alloy from cold mechanically derived non-spherical powder

Martin, J.H., Barnes, J.E., Rogers, K.A. et al. Additive manufacturing of a high-performance aluminum alloy from cold mechanically derived non-spherical powder. Commun Mater 4, 39 (2023).

GranuDrum measurement reproducibility has been assessed by NIST!

In powder bed based additive manufacturing processes, the need for a reproducible powder characterization method is very urgent. Learn in this blog article why the GranuDrum secures measurement reproducibility.

How to Relate the Spreadability of Powder to the Layer Homogeneity in Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing - 2022

A. Neveu, F. Francqui, and G. Lumay, in Progress in Additive Manufacturing 2020, ed. N. Shamsaei and M. Seifi (West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International, 2022), 40–50.

Metal powder characterisation for Additive Manufacturing: Beyond state-of-the-art standard - 2021

Metal Additive Manufacturing | Autumn 2021, Vol. 7 No. 3

Batch to Batch Differentiation For Quality Control in additive manufacturing - 2021

Neveu et al., “Batch to batch differentiation for quality control in additive manufacturing”, EuroPM2021 conference proceedings, Session 51: Testing & Evaluation: Powder Characterisation (2021), ISBN: 978-1-899072-54-5.

Simulating Powder Bed Based Additive Manufacturing Processes: From DEM Calibration to Experimental Validation - 2020

N. Preud’homme, A. Neveu, F. Francqui, E. Opsomer, N. Vandewalle, G. Lumay

Investigation of powder electrostatics in an AM Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) process

In the present study, the electrostatic charging of a metal powder during conveying through the different parts of a Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) machine has been investigated with the GranuCharge...

How to predict spreadability in powder bed based AM?

Each layer is then partially sintered or melted with an energy beam to build the parts. The layer thickness defines the vertical resolution of the printer; a thin layer leads to a better resolution...

Effect of Recycling on The Spreadability of Metallic Powder Using The GranuDrum

Many industries are already using GranuTools instruments range in different fields: additive manufacturing, food processing, pharmaceuticals, bulk material handling. The present application note is mainly focused on additive manufacturing.

Static and dynamic characterisations of IN625 powder for powder-bed fusion application - 2020

Li, K.W., Nomeots-Nomm, A., Muniz-Lerma, J.A., Brochu, M., "Static and dynamic characterisations of IN625 powder for powder-bed fusion application". Euro PM 2018 Congress and Exhibition (2020).

Measuring electrostatic properties for recoater process optimisation - 2020

Ribeyre Q., Francqui F., Lumay G., "Measuring electrostatic properties for recoater process optimisation". Euro PM 2018 Congress and Exhibition (2020).

Influence of Temperature on AM Metal Powders using the GranuPack, the GranuDrum and the GranuCharge

In Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes, a three-dimensional object is created one superfine layer at a time. Therefore, the term Additive Manufacturing implies adding material to create the object...

Polymer and metallic powders flow and electrostatics characterization for additive manufacturing - 2019

Francqui, F., Lumay, G., "Polymer and metallic powders flow and electrostatics characterization for additive manufacturing", AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, 2019-November, 2019

Powder Characterization using the GranuCharge in AM

The bulk density, the tapped density and the Hausner ratio measurement (commonly named “tap-tap test”) is very popular for powder characterization because of both the simplicity and the rapidity of the measurement...

Influence of Particle Size Distribution On Metallic Powders Spreadability and Triboelectricity

A range of measurement methods has been developed to cover all the needs of industries processing powders and granular materials...