
On the inherent correlation between the fluidization and flow properties of cohesive powders

P. Christian van der Sande, Kaiqiao Wu, Rens Kamphorst, Evert C. Wagner, Gabrie M. H. Meesters, J. Ruud van Ommen, On the inherent correlation between the fluidization and flow properties of cohesive powders, AIChE Journal, 26 December 2024.

How to evaluate powder caking with GranuPack

Powder caking is important for industrial applications. Learn how the GranuPack can measure the caking and investigate it thanks to this protocol.

GranuFlow: A Primer on Powder Flow Testing and Pharmacopeial Standards

In this study, we put the emphasis on the significance of the GranuFlow and how it elevates the standards of pharmaceutical powder testing.

Improvement of a pharmaceutical powder mixing process in a tote blender via DEM simulations

B. Benque, L. Orefice, T. Forgber, M. Habeler, B. Schmid, J. Remmelgas, J. Khinast, Improvement of a pharmaceutical powder mixing process in a tote blender via DEM simulations, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 658, 2024, 124224, ISSN 0378-5173.

Measuring permeability and flowability of powders at various packing fractions

Lupo M, Neveu A, Gemine T, Francqui F, Lumay G, “Measuring permeability and flowability of powders at various packing fractions”. Particuology, 4 April 2024

Investigating powder caking in a short time with the GranuPack High Temperature

Unravel the mystery of powder caking in industries like food and pharmaceuticals. Prolonged storage triggers aggregation, unveiling a tale of quality challenges and intrigue.

A novel methodology for data analysis of dynamic angle of repose tests and powder flow classification

Orefice L, Remmelgas J, Neveu A, Francqui F, Khinast J.G, “A novel methodology for data analysis of dynamic angle of repose tests and powder flow classification”. Powder Technology, Volume 435, 15 February 2024, 119425

Powder Permeability Measurements at Low Consolidation Conditions

In this blog article, we explain what powder permeability is and its importance with the GranuPack Permeability.

Powder Characterisation for Pharmaceuticals: Beyond Standards

Neveu A, Lupo M, Francqui F, “Powder Characterisation for Pharmaceuticals: Beyond Standards”. ONdrugDelivery, Issue 148 (May/June 2023), pp 16–19.

Powder Characterization For DPI Performance In Capsule-Based Inhalers

Pillitteri S, Neveu A, Zellnitz-Neugebauer S, “Powder Characterisation for DPI Performance in Capsule-Based Inhalers”. ONdrugDelivery, Issue 140 (Nov 2022), pp 77–81.

Why is powder caking an important phenomenon for industrial applications?

Learn more about powder caking with our new blog article.

Influence Of the Drug Load On Pharmaceutical Blends Processability

For each experiment with the GranuPack, 500 taps were applied to the sample with a taps frequency of 1Hz and the measurement cell free-fall was 1 mm (∝ tap energy). The powder mass is recorded before each experiment...

Dynamic Tap Density Tester as a useful tool for analyzing pharmaceutical powders (Granupack analyses)

The tap density test / tap test tool is a usefull compressibility tool commonly used in quality control and R&D for developing new formulations. This test can be used for calculating the Hausner ratio (Hr) or the Carr index value...

Influence of flowing agents addition on excipient flowability

The excipient used during this application note is called Pharmatose 200M and was provided by DFE Pharma. This is a pharmaceutical α-lactose monohydrate and it is mechanically milled...

Highlighting reproducibility & Comparison vs Flodex using GranuFlow

The main purpose of this application note is to provide information about the measurements reproducibility with the GranuFlow and to show some examples about what is it able to offer...

Influence of Magnesium Stearate content on the electrical charge of a lactose product

Electrostatic charges are created inside a powder during a flow. This apparition of electric charges is due to the triboelectric effect, which is a charge exchange at the contact between two solids...

Small Doses Analysis using GranuHeap

When a powder is poured onto a surface, a heap is formed. It is well known that both the repose angle and the heap shape strongly depend on grain properties. In particular, a cohesive powder forms an irregular heap while a non-cohesive powder forms a regular conical heap.

Lactose Powders Flowability Classification using Granuflow

The GranuFlow is a straightforward powder flowability measurement device composed of a silo with different apertures associated with a dedicated electronic balance to measure the flowrate...

Rheological Study of Blends for Dry Powder Inhalers (DPI) Applications (GranuPack and GranuDrum analyses)

One of the biggest advantages of the Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) is that it allows a better preservation of the formulation due to the absence of water in the formulation...

Ageing study of lactose’s blends by using dynamic compaction curves

Dry powder inhalers (DPI) offer many advantages to the respiratory administration. They show a targeted effect (they do not diffuse towards inappropriate sites in the body), they attain higher concentrations in the lungs resulting in a considerable reduced drug dose.